Eminator Skrevet 31. desember 2014 Del Skrevet 31. desember 2014 Aurelius 1 Siter Lenke til kommentar https://forum.fitnessbloggen.no/topic/915-dagens-glade/page/646/#findComment-1101565 Del på andre sider Flere delingsvalg…
Andreas87 Skrevet 31. desember 2014 Del Skrevet 31. desember 2014 [ATTACH=full]156200[/ATTACH] http://i.imgur.com/Or2tHrd.webm Eminator og Ojive 2 Siter Lenke til kommentar https://forum.fitnessbloggen.no/topic/915-dagens-glade/page/646/#findComment-1101579 Del på andre sider Flere delingsvalg…
Dag Skrevet 1. januar 2015 Del Skrevet 1. januar 2015 Hjem til Magnat i dag <3 FitFish, KamillaK, Aurelius og 1 annen 4 Siter Lenke til kommentar https://forum.fitnessbloggen.no/topic/915-dagens-glade/page/646/#findComment-1101662 Del på andre sider Flere delingsvalg…
TorSer Skrevet 1. januar 2015 Del Skrevet 1. januar 2015 Når du sovner til heftig fest i etasjen over og våkner opp til same fest klokka 14.00 dagen etter. Dagens imponerende ! [ATTACH]156225[/ATTACH] Edit: Dei holder framleis på (18.00) ! Rått ! FatUnicorn, Tutogkjør, Eminator og 10 andre 13 Siter Lenke til kommentar https://forum.fitnessbloggen.no/topic/915-dagens-glade/page/646/#findComment-1101676 Del på andre sider Flere delingsvalg…
Gjest QueenWinther Skrevet 1. januar 2015 Del Skrevet 1. januar 2015 Fikk melding av Benji, som lurte på hvordan det går med meg. Vi har ikke snakket siden i sommer, og det var sykt hyggelig at han tok kontakt igjen. Dessuten har starten på det nye året vært kjempefin. Siter Lenke til kommentar https://forum.fitnessbloggen.no/topic/915-dagens-glade/page/646/#findComment-1101732 Del på andre sider Flere delingsvalg…
02-snapper Skrevet 1. januar 2015 Del Skrevet 1. januar 2015 Når du sovner til heftig fest i etasjen over og våkner opp til same fest klokka 14.00 dagen etter. Dagens imponerende ! [ATTACH]156225[/ATTACH] Edit: Dei holder framleis på (18.00) ! Rått ! Sikker på at ikle verten ligger død på gulvet og at musikken bare står på "repeat"?! Wæææ! Siter Lenke til kommentar https://forum.fitnessbloggen.no/topic/915-dagens-glade/page/646/#findComment-1101735 Del på andre sider Flere delingsvalg…
Avokado Skrevet 1. januar 2015 Del Skrevet 1. januar 2015 En halv kilo snickers rett fra USA. Just sayin. FrkDiaz, TEW, Zmurph og 10 andre 13 Siter Lenke til kommentar https://forum.fitnessbloggen.no/topic/915-dagens-glade/page/646/#findComment-1101781 Del på andre sider Flere delingsvalg…
Aurelius Skrevet 1. januar 2015 Del Skrevet 1. januar 2015 [ATTACH=full]156259[/ATTACH] En halv kilo snickers rett fra USA. Just sayin. "slice and share" "share" Yeah right. FatFighter Malm, Pons, Morel og 7 andre 10 Siter Lenke til kommentar https://forum.fitnessbloggen.no/topic/915-dagens-glade/page/646/#findComment-1101783 Del på andre sider Flere delingsvalg…
Therese Skrevet 2. januar 2015 Del Skrevet 2. januar 2015 Hell i uhell - hadde EN PTtime i dag og bilen jeg skulle låne av pappa ville ikke starte:cry: ringte kunden og sa jeg ville bli noe forsinket da jeg måtte løpe til toget, men han hadde glemt hele greia og hadde likevel ikke planlagt å ha noen time i dag så det var like greit at jeg ringte og fikk avklart det Sparte meg MASSE tid og unødige penger på å starte mndskortet noen dager for tidlig... TEW, SlayerDad, FitFish og 3 andre 6 Siter Lenke til kommentar https://forum.fitnessbloggen.no/topic/915-dagens-glade/page/646/#findComment-1101821 Del på andre sider Flere delingsvalg…
Pons Skrevet 2. januar 2015 Del Skrevet 2. januar 2015 Hentet nøkkelen til leiligheten. Neste uke skal brukes til innflytting Zmurph, SlayerDad, Aurelius og 14 andre 17 Siter Lenke til kommentar https://forum.fitnessbloggen.no/topic/915-dagens-glade/page/646/#findComment-1101916 Del på andre sider Flere delingsvalg…
Tonje_86 Skrevet 2. januar 2015 Del Skrevet 2. januar 2015 Hentet nøkkelen til leiligheten. Neste uke skal brukes til innflytting Herlig følelse Ikke var den så liten heller Pons 1 Siter Lenke til kommentar https://forum.fitnessbloggen.no/topic/915-dagens-glade/page/646/#findComment-1101968 Del på andre sider Flere delingsvalg…
Pons Skrevet 2. januar 2015 Del Skrevet 2. januar 2015 Herlig følelse Ikke var den så liten heller 19kvm, så jo, ganske liten. Men det holder til 1 person Tonje_86, Ulrik og Morel 3 Siter Lenke til kommentar https://forum.fitnessbloggen.no/topic/915-dagens-glade/page/646/#findComment-1101979 Del på andre sider Flere delingsvalg…
Gjest =xXx= Skrevet 2. januar 2015 Del Skrevet 2. januar 2015 Gått ned 0,5 kg siste uke på tross av julebulkingen. Livvidden har økt med 5 cm… dagen glade eller… Siter Lenke til kommentar https://forum.fitnessbloggen.no/topic/915-dagens-glade/page/646/#findComment-1101980 Del på andre sider Flere delingsvalg…
Sepsis Skrevet 3. januar 2015 Del Skrevet 3. januar 2015 Flytter til mer siviliserte strøk i dag. Hurra! Avokado og Tonje_86 2 Siter Lenke til kommentar https://forum.fitnessbloggen.no/topic/915-dagens-glade/page/646/#findComment-1101998 Del på andre sider Flere delingsvalg…
Gjest QueenWinther Skrevet 3. januar 2015 Del Skrevet 3. januar 2015 Kettlebellkurset var veldig gøy, og folka var kjempehyggelige! Siter Lenke til kommentar https://forum.fitnessbloggen.no/topic/915-dagens-glade/page/646/#findComment-1102072 Del på andre sider Flere delingsvalg…
Arctic Skrevet 3. januar 2015 Del Skrevet 3. januar 2015 Internett gjorde mange fantastiske ting mulig, men det aller, aller beste var vel kanskje å gi et åpent talerør til mennesker som fremtil nå kun har kunnet kommunisere med den bløte veggen på rommet sitt. I give you: http://www.gabriellechana.com/index.html " (2012) January 2, 2012 Gail’s men gave her a late Christmas present, that she received at her apartment. It was an exact replica of Brent Spiner and Vladimir Putin’s penis that she can use to enhance her brain to brain loving with Brent and/or Vladimir. Matthew McConaughey, Hugh Jackman, Gerard Butler, Vladimir Putin, Brent Spiner and Terrance Jenkins watched her open their Christmas present to her on Skype. [...] Lyudmila Putin threatened Gail’s life over this, and Vladimir had to arrest her, and her clones, as a Jesuit criminal. " " December 16, 2011. After Gail put up a YouTube video asking the world to assist her men in curing the craziness in Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong Il, doctors from around the world volunteered their services. One of these doctors informed us that the "crazy" Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong Il were CLONEs. After a search, we found the real Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong Il held as prisoners of war at a North Korean Jesuit military compound. Jesuits murdered the real Kim Jong Il at this North Korean compound. We rescued the real Vladimir Putin, who had his face bashed in, because he refused to conform to Jesuit demands to disown Gail publicly. " " December 20, 2011, Gail’s men visited judge Terrance Jenkins at a Canadian hospital, dying, because Jesuit Rule 13 abducted and raped him, using their advanced Jesuit technology. Rule 13 ripped off his testicles, causing severe blood loss that almost killed him. While Terrance was at the hospital, Jesuits launched a nukkake bomb (a nuclear bomb with Jesuit AIDS and semen in it) that hit Ontario, Canada (where Gail’s men and Terrance Jenkins were) and killed millions of Canadians, impregnating every woman in Canada (according to Canada’s FOX News). Brent Spiner rushed to rescue Terrance Jenkins, who was left for dead at this hospital (and abandoned as hopelessly lost) as the bomb neared Canada. Brent, with Terrance over his shoulders, got caught in a wave of Jesuit semen from the nukkake and almost drowned, but heroically made it, just in time, to the underground bunker, as the door slammed behind him, a wave of Jesuit semen slamming on the door as it shut behind him. Terrance no longer breathed, Brent used CPR to revive him, never giving up, when all thought Terrance hopelessly lost. Terrance gurgled up the semen from his lungs and started breathing, but later died from the AIDS he caught from the nukkake. Though Gail had put up a YouTube video to warn the world about the coming nukkake, Jesuits had put out a false news report that stated the nukkake had been averted, and so it hit Canada. Terrance died, went to heaven, and came back with the cure to the very fast moving nukkake AIDS virus that had infected all the Canadians. When God returned Terrance from heaven, God had cured Terrance of all the injuries he sustained from Jesuits (a sawed off leg, itchy leg from Jesuit Sara Avery rape, and damaged testicles from Jesuit Rule 13). " Jesuits on December 1, 2011 kidnapped Gail’s mother (using transporter technology) and transported her to a North Korean Jesuit military compound. Hugh Jackman went into the North Korean compound to rescue her, risking his own life. Jesuits have removed this memory from Gail's mother. Hugh Jackman had to kill Gail’s mother’s evil clone to save Gail’s real mother, then ran with the real mother over his shoulder to escape the pursuing Jesuits (about a million strong Jesuit army). Vladimir and Gail’s men strove to break the Jesuit shield over the Jesuit military compound that denied them entrance to the compound, in order to rescue Hugh and Gail's mother. After Gail’s YouTube video went up, scientists all over the world offered their support, they broke the Jesuit shield, and a miraculous rescue of Gail’s mother took place (December 2, 2011), using Hugh Jackman's heroic robot (to whom Barack Obama gave the Medal of Honor). Gail encouraged her mother to accept Christ as her Savior, so that Jesuits could not transport her away anymore. Gail’s mother prayed the prayer to accept Christ. Though Gail’s mother sustained injuries, she was completely healed. Kim Jong Il was added to Gail’s marriage list. JESUITS HAVE USED POWERFUL BRAIN-CONTROL TECHNOLOGY ON GAIL'S FAMILY TO REMOVE THEIR MEMORIES OF SIGNIFICANT EVENTS. Gail's genetic profile seems immune to a lot of Jesuit brain control technology, so they fear and obsess over her, and have created the Jesuit website Crazy Gail Wiki to discredit her. TEW, okveine og Aurelius 3 Siter Lenke til kommentar https://forum.fitnessbloggen.no/topic/915-dagens-glade/page/646/#findComment-1102163 Del på andre sider Flere delingsvalg…
Aurelius Skrevet 3. januar 2015 Del Skrevet 3. januar 2015 Internett gjorde mange fantastiske ting mulig, men det aller, aller beste var vel kanskje å gi et åpent talerør til mennesker som fremtil nå kun har kunnet kommunisere med den bløte veggen på rommet sitt. I give you: http://www.gabriellechana.com/index.html " (2012) January 2, 2012 Gail’s men gave her a late Christmas present, that she received at her apartment. It was an exact replica of Brent Spiner and Vladimir Putin’s penis that she can use to enhance her brain to brain loving with Brent and/or Vladimir. Matthew McConaughey, Hugh Jackman, Gerard Butler, Vladimir Putin, Brent Spiner and Terrance Jenkins watched her open their Christmas present to her on Skype. [...] Lyudmila Putin threatened Gail’s life over this, and Vladimir had to arrest her, and her clones, as a Jesuit criminal. " " December 16, 2011. After Gail put up a YouTube video asking the world to assist her men in curing the craziness in Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong Il, doctors from around the world volunteered their services. One of these doctors informed us that the "crazy" Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong Il were CLONEs. After a search, we found the real Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong Il held as prisoners of war at a North Korean Jesuit military compound. Jesuits murdered the real Kim Jong Il at this North Korean compound. We rescued the real Vladimir Putin, who had his face bashed in, because he refused to conform to Jesuit demands to disown Gail publicly. " " December 20, 2011, Gail’s men visited judge Terrance Jenkins at a Canadian hospital, dying, because Jesuit Rule 13 abducted and raped him, using their advanced Jesuit technology. Rule 13 ripped off his testicles, causing severe blood loss that almost killed him. While Terrance was at the hospital, Jesuits launched a nukkake bomb (a nuclear bomb with Jesuit AIDS and semen in it) that hit Ontario, Canada (where Gail’s men and Terrance Jenkins were) and killed millions of Canadians, impregnating every woman in Canada (according to Canada’s FOX News). Brent Spiner rushed to rescue Terrance Jenkins, who was left for dead at this hospital (and abandoned as hopelessly lost) as the bomb neared Canada. Brent, with Terrance over his shoulders, got caught in a wave of Jesuit semen from the nukkake and almost drowned, but heroically made it, just in time, to the underground bunker, as the door slammed behind him, a wave of Jesuit semen slamming on the door as it shut behind him. Terrance no longer breathed, Brent used CPR to revive him, never giving up, when all thought Terrance hopelessly lost. Terrance gurgled up the semen from his lungs and started breathing, but later died from the AIDS he caught from the nukkake. Though Gail had put up a YouTube video to warn the world about the coming nukkake, Jesuits had put out a false news report that stated the nukkake had been averted, and so it hit Canada. Terrance died, went to heaven, and came back with the cure to the very fast moving nukkake AIDS virus that had infected all the Canadians. When God returned Terrance from heaven, God had cured Terrance of all the injuries he sustained from Jesuits (a sawed off leg, itchy leg from Jesuit Sara Avery rape, and damaged testicles from Jesuit Rule 13). " Jesuits on December 1, 2011 kidnapped Gail’s mother (using transporter technology) and transported her to a North Korean Jesuit military compound. Hugh Jackman went into the North Korean compound to rescue her, risking his own life. Jesuits have removed this memory from Gail's mother. Hugh Jackman had to kill Gail’s mother’s evil clone to save Gail’s real mother, then ran with the real mother over his shoulder to escape the pursuing Jesuits (about a million strong Jesuit army). Vladimir and Gail’s men strove to break the Jesuit shield over the Jesuit military compound that denied them entrance to the compound, in order to rescue Hugh and Gail's mother. After Gail’s YouTube video went up, scientists all over the world offered their support, they broke the Jesuit shield, and a miraculous rescue of Gail’s mother took place (December 2, 2011), using Hugh Jackman's heroic robot (to whom Barack Obama gave the Medal of Honor). Gail encouraged her mother to accept Christ as her Savior, so that Jesuits could not transport her away anymore. Gail’s mother prayed the prayer to accept Christ. Though Gail’s mother sustained injuries, she was completely healed. Kim Jong Il was added to Gail’s marriage list. JESUITS HAVE USED POWERFUL BRAIN-CONTROL TECHNOLOGY ON GAIL'S FAMILY TO REMOVE THEIR MEMORIES OF SIGNIFICANT EVENTS. Gail's genetic profile seems immune to a lot of Jesuit brain control technology, so they fear and obsess over her, and have created the Jesuit website Crazy Gail Wiki to discredit her. Altså.... Hææ? :$ i don't even what what :$ Siter Lenke til kommentar https://forum.fitnessbloggen.no/topic/915-dagens-glade/page/646/#findComment-1102166 Del på andre sider Flere delingsvalg…
TEW Skrevet 3. januar 2015 Del Skrevet 3. januar 2015 Internett gjorde mange fantastiske ting mulig, men det aller, aller beste var vel kanskje å gi et åpent talerør til mennesker som fremtil nå kun har kunnet kommunisere med den bløte veggen på rommet sitt. I give you: http://www.gabriellechana.com/index.html Birri baba, birri birri baa.... Siter Lenke til kommentar https://forum.fitnessbloggen.no/topic/915-dagens-glade/page/646/#findComment-1102170 Del på andre sider Flere delingsvalg…
Loco Skrevet 3. januar 2015 Del Skrevet 3. januar 2015 Internett gjorde mange fantastiske ting mulig, men det aller, aller beste var vel kanskje å gi et åpent talerør til mennesker som fremtil nå kun har kunnet kommunisere med den bløte veggen på rommet sitt. I give you: http://www.gabriellechana.com/index.html " (2012) January 2, 2012 Gail’s men gave her a late Christmas present, that she received at her apartment. It was an exact replica of Brent Spiner and Vladimir Putin’s penis that she can use to enhance her brain to brain loving with Brent and/or Vladimir. Matthew McConaughey, Hugh Jackman, Gerard Butler, Vladimir Putin, Brent Spiner and Terrance Jenkins watched her open their Christmas present to her on Skype. [...] Lyudmila Putin threatened Gail’s life over this, and Vladimir had to arrest her, and her clones, as a Jesuit criminal. " " December 16, 2011. After Gail put up a YouTube video asking the world to assist her men in curing the craziness in Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong Il, doctors from around the world volunteered their services. One of these doctors informed us that the "crazy" Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong Il were CLONEs. After a search, we found the real Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong Il held as prisoners of war at a North Korean Jesuit military compound. Jesuits murdered the real Kim Jong Il at this North Korean compound. We rescued the real Vladimir Putin, who had his face bashed in, because he refused to conform to Jesuit demands to disown Gail publicly. " " December 20, 2011, Gail’s men visited judge Terrance Jenkins at a Canadian hospital, dying, because Jesuit Rule 13 abducted and raped him, using their advanced Jesuit technology. Rule 13 ripped off his testicles, causing severe blood loss that almost killed him. While Terrance was at the hospital, Jesuits launched a nukkake bomb (a nuclear bomb with Jesuit AIDS and semen in it) that hit Ontario, Canada (where Gail’s men and Terrance Jenkins were) and killed millions of Canadians, impregnating every woman in Canada (according to Canada’s FOX News). Brent Spiner rushed to rescue Terrance Jenkins, who was left for dead at this hospital (and abandoned as hopelessly lost) as the bomb neared Canada. Brent, with Terrance over his shoulders, got caught in a wave of Jesuit semen from the nukkake and almost drowned, but heroically made it, just in time, to the underground bunker, as the door slammed behind him, a wave of Jesuit semen slamming on the door as it shut behind him. Terrance no longer breathed, Brent used CPR to revive him, never giving up, when all thought Terrance hopelessly lost. Terrance gurgled up the semen from his lungs and started breathing, but later died from the AIDS he caught from the nukkake. Though Gail had put up a YouTube video to warn the world about the coming nukkake, Jesuits had put out a false news report that stated the nukkake had been averted, and so it hit Canada. Terrance died, went to heaven, and came back with the cure to the very fast moving nukkake AIDS virus that had infected all the Canadians. When God returned Terrance from heaven, God had cured Terrance of all the injuries he sustained from Jesuits (a sawed off leg, itchy leg from Jesuit Sara Avery rape, and damaged testicles from Jesuit Rule 13). " Jesuits on December 1, 2011 kidnapped Gail’s mother (using transporter technology) and transported her to a North Korean Jesuit military compound. Hugh Jackman went into the North Korean compound to rescue her, risking his own life. Jesuits have removed this memory from Gail's mother. Hugh Jackman had to kill Gail’s mother’s evil clone to save Gail’s real mother, then ran with the real mother over his shoulder to escape the pursuing Jesuits (about a million strong Jesuit army). Vladimir and Gail’s men strove to break the Jesuit shield over the Jesuit military compound that denied them entrance to the compound, in order to rescue Hugh and Gail's mother. After Gail’s YouTube video went up, scientists all over the world offered their support, they broke the Jesuit shield, and a miraculous rescue of Gail’s mother took place (December 2, 2011), using Hugh Jackman's heroic robot (to whom Barack Obama gave the Medal of Honor). Gail encouraged her mother to accept Christ as her Savior, so that Jesuits could not transport her away anymore. Gail’s mother prayed the prayer to accept Christ. Though Gail’s mother sustained injuries, she was completely healed. Kim Jong Il was added to Gail’s marriage list. JESUITS HAVE USED POWERFUL BRAIN-CONTROL TECHNOLOGY ON GAIL'S FAMILY TO REMOVE THEIR MEMORIES OF SIGNIFICANT EVENTS. Gail's genetic profile seems immune to a lot of Jesuit brain control technology, so they fear and obsess over her, and have created the Jesuit website Crazy Gail Wiki to discredit her. Foreslår at du tar en tur inn på http://www.istladis.com/ om du liker det smått eksentriske Siter Lenke til kommentar https://forum.fitnessbloggen.no/topic/915-dagens-glade/page/646/#findComment-1102172 Del på andre sider Flere delingsvalg…
Arctic Skrevet 4. januar 2015 Del Skrevet 4. januar 2015 Foreslår at du tar en tur inn på http://www.istladis.com/ om du liker det smått eksentriske Men mår det kommer til fysisk beviselig galskap må vi faktisk bare bøye oss for kongen: http://johncons-mirror.blogspot.no/ Det rare er at hvis man setter seg ned å begynner og lese seriøst, så kan man faktisk bli sugd inn i galskapen Been there, done that Siter Lenke til kommentar https://forum.fitnessbloggen.no/topic/915-dagens-glade/page/646/#findComment-1102185 Del på andre sider Flere delingsvalg…
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