SlayerDad Skrevet 8. november 2014 Del Skrevet 8. november 2014 MOAR CLODES! Må jo ha klær som passer. og en bukse jeg kjøpte i sommer, str 30 i livet, er nå løs som f... I livet og trang over låra. CamillaO, Pons, Tiwas og 4 andre 7 Siter Lenke til kommentar Del på andre sider Flere delingsvalg…
TEW Skrevet 8. november 2014 Del Skrevet 8. november 2014 Oi! Kule saker, British, 60's Mod'ish. Hvor handlet du snadderet? SlayerDad 1 Siter Lenke til kommentar Del på andre sider Flere delingsvalg…
Pons Skrevet 8. november 2014 Del Skrevet 8. november 2014 Godt humør, bare fordi livet er bra Morel, TEW, CamillaO og 3 andre 6 Siter Lenke til kommentar Del på andre sider Flere delingsvalg…
SlayerDad Skrevet 8. november 2014 Del Skrevet 8. november 2014 Oi! Kule saker, British, 60's Mod'ish. Hvor handlet du snadderet? Oi! Oi! shoppa fra Warrior Clothing, som korrekt observert, kjøret britisk herremote, dvs trad skin og mod. Det er nok mest fokus på det første. Og scooter og northern soul. Den pakka der kom på 1500 med frakt. TEW 1 Siter Lenke til kommentar Del på andre sider Flere delingsvalg…
Arctic Skrevet 8. november 2014 Del Skrevet 8. november 2014 Enhver bachelorpad trenger en bachelorsofa Og gjett hva jeg fant i dag! Føler meg nesten litt pervers Tonje_86, SlayerDad, Pons og 7 andre 10 Siter Lenke til kommentar Del på andre sider Flere delingsvalg…
Ojive Skrevet 8. november 2014 Del Skrevet 8. november 2014 Enhver bachelorpad trenger en bachelorsofa Og gjett hva jeg fant i dag! Føler meg nesten litt pervers så SJUKT jelly akkurat nå <3 Arctic 1 Siter Lenke til kommentar Del på andre sider Flere delingsvalg…
Pons Skrevet 8. november 2014 Del Skrevet 8. november 2014 Fikk B på en ganske avgjørende oppgave:D happy happy happy OG pers i rykk i dag:happy: Gratulerer! Hvor mye rykket du? Siter Lenke til kommentar Del på andre sider Flere delingsvalg…
Tonje_86 Skrevet 8. november 2014 Del Skrevet 8. november 2014 Lørdags formiddag startet bra med email om intervju i Oslo, så da blir det Oslotur på meg fra mandag til fredag CamillaO, Pons, TEW og 6 andre 9 Siter Lenke til kommentar Del på andre sider Flere delingsvalg…
Kristines1990 Skrevet 8. november 2014 Del Skrevet 8. november 2014 Gårsdagens glade: Var i banken sammen med typen og har fått klarsignal til å begynne å kikke etter leilighet ^^, Og vi får lån slik at vi kan kjøpe i den prisklassen vi håpte på. Dagens: Hjemme hos mamma og pappa med tidlig bursdagfeiring(har bursdag neste helg) med god middag, kake, brus og godis, og pakker ^^, Så langt sjokolade, kakebok og Kari Traa-genser bunnfall, Pons, Tonje_86 og 3 andre 6 Siter Lenke til kommentar Del på andre sider Flere delingsvalg…
CamillaO Skrevet 8. november 2014 Del Skrevet 8. november 2014 Rep pers på benk! 52,5 kg x 12, alle pauset. Aka kardio. Tutogkjør, Tonje_86, bunnfall og 3 andre 6 Siter Lenke til kommentar Del på andre sider Flere delingsvalg…
Gjest =xXx= Skrevet 8. november 2014 Del Skrevet 8. november 2014 Perset i beinpress, 240 kg x 20 med mine pipestilker OG en lørdag uten sjokkis:) Siter Lenke til kommentar Del på andre sider Flere delingsvalg…
Aurelius Skrevet 8. november 2014 Del Skrevet 8. november 2014 Norge gjør det jævlig bra i VM, og CYC bøyer som en jævel<3 CamillaO, Pons, Ulrik og 2 andre 5 Siter Lenke til kommentar Del på andre sider Flere delingsvalg…
Arctic Skrevet 9. november 2014 Del Skrevet 9. november 2014 Jeg ble så forbannet over Windows 8.1 at jeg skrev en liten rage-mail til Microsoft. Jeg følte meg glad når jeg hadde skrevet det ferdig, og det er vel en god ting? Har ikke sendt det enda, though. (det er skrevet klokken 06.00, så vennligst ignorer skrivefeil her!) ------------------------------ Please note the following before reading further: The following letter is not written in my normal, polite and formal way of adressing companies such as yours, but with much more hyperboly for no less than three reasons; You might get the point.The text itself migh hopefully make you laugh somewhat, because that is what I am doing writing this andThis is about as close I can get somewhat of a revenge over the internet without breaking any fucking laws. So, Dear Microsoft I have been a steady user of your product Windows since the trusty 3.1-release. While using it having admittedly caused me rage-fits worthy of Kratos the Greek god, it was a product that worked by everyone else using it. Knowledge of how to use it applied on nearly every normal computer you would park your ass in front of, so learning it was a great investment, and if you did not wander into the galaxy of writing your own code, it was on the rather easy side. And the simplicity was its saving grace over Linux in my opinion, since the whole concept of Windows\Linux can be summed up like this; in order to spend time with your best friend, you also have to spend time with the following person: his slightly retarded, but fun and loveable little brother, or his anarcistic hipster-girlfriend who required you to speak a made-up language in order to tell her basic shit. Forest Gump beats Cruella deSkynet. Now, the entire range of Windows-products have been to a varying but acceptable degree likeable, scratching the Vista-incditent (not doing that would be like any self-respecting member of the bird-species actually mentioning the Dodo during an explenation – completely fucking retarded) up intall your last try, the number 8. And the reason for my part is singular; someone, over at your offices that work with design, with way more power than he and\or she deserves (and I hope you took a big swing of the axe across his stripes on his shoulder for this one), desided that to remove the one thing that made the whole thing make sense, the start button, was a big-ass leap forward. Incidently, trying to solve the problem mentioned later in this letter, I came across an article explaining that you scoffs at this idea, and that it only «takes time getting used to». Allow me to first explain to you why you are, like topping your wedding cake with shaving-cream, wrong on so many fucking levels. It's like losing your leg, and instead of a crutch, you have to learn to walk using a six-foot rod of frozen feces. It does not takes time getting adjusted to, because it feels downright disgusting from the get-go. And the new alternative, which is in essence digital Ebola since it makes all my organs bleed, is called «Tileworld». Seriously, had you named it anything more juvenile, you would make it sound like the title of an underground web-forum for pedophiles. It's horrible. And while the title does makes sense, since all you get is a screen full of fucking tiles, that is where the logic stops. Is this supposed to replace the start-menu, that was so brilliantly simple? The metaphorical if you want to do it fast - shot in the head-method? Now, because of the fact that your product Windows 8 is now standard on every god damn new computer, switching out the good ol' number 7 (that was brilliant, by the way – respect where its due), a lot of people who, unlike me, know how to write code, wrote shells that gave me back the button that Windows 8 needed more than a heroinist need an intervention and a bath. And that sort of leveled out things – there was plenty more shit I would like to shave off, but the start button calmed me enough to let things slide. But there was one thing that kept annoying me; the «update to Windows 8.1 for free»-offer. Why? Because if you have driven BMW's for your entire life, and your brand new one features droplet-shaped wheels, because some German thinks it will make the ride better, you do NOT want to experience their version of «an improvement of that». So this offer was, like an offer to gobble down a pint of Cyanide, turned down every time because I felt it generally served my health better to do so. You thought that the sting was over now? Well, to quote a sadistic urologist: find a ruler or a stick outside and bite into it, because this will make your eyes water. Until one night some days back, where I returned to my computer after a trip out only to be greeted by a semi-transparent black screen with something like the following text: Hello! You have turned down our offer so many times now, that we just downloaded Windows 8.1 for you. Hope you don't mind! Would you like us to rape your OS now, in a couple of hours or a couple of days? Your choice. Bye! Do you actually want to hear what that message feels like? It feels like your husband\wife\partner waking you up one morning, telling: «Honey? You know that to have turned down my every request to shove an arm-sized peppergrinder up your rectum? Well, when you slept last night, I glued your genitalia shut. So, you want your hole bleeding now, or in a couple of days?» No brain that recieves sensory output the correct way would agree to this, so, in looking for a faint glimmer of hope that somebody controlling this show of yours would actually activate his grey cells in such a magnitude he realized that we screwed the pooch on this one, I put it off. And, a couple of nights after, I got the message that could only been more dramaticly recited by a completely black screen, with the word «grinder time» voice-acted by Dennis Haybert (the giant man that played Manute in the Sin City-movies) written in normal font and size mid-screen. So I sat there, pissed off more than Tom Cruise at an Psychology Today-christmas party, and waited for the entire system to grind itself into whatever new shape you wanted to it to look like, and I made a vow; if a lose a single byte of porn because of this, someone is going to die. And there my trusty little button with the many options was gone. And back was the concept of Tileworld. There is no better way to say this: how unbelievably fucking dumb. Oh my maker, the magnitude of inter-cranial decay. What sort of human being decides that yes, the ONE thing that everyone got so pissed off about and had to change themselves? Let's restore it to the way it was. Not the good way, the bad way. And I am truly sorry, but the offer you gave instead – the grey, Shaft-length box of options you gave when you right-clicked on the symbol in the corner was like offering a victim being stabbed nine times a fucking Band Aid. In case I have not made my point loud and clear, allow me to type it into fine print; You know why Pizza works? It works, because it's simple, the ingridients are somewhat the same around the world and no matter the version of it, when you order a pizza, you get a pizza. You know what would make Pizza NOT work? If the monopoly manufacturer of pizza decided that yes, a deep-fried turd is something that belongs on EVERY pizza. It's as common sense as telling your girlfriend that yes, indeed, those pants makes her ass fat is a bad fucking move. So why exactly am I sitting here, again, with a button in the corner, again, that leads to a concept so shadely named it deserves to be on How to catch a Predator, again, that works as good as a toad after an eight-ball of crack, still. And do NOT let me start on the whole oh, so you want to use the cursor on the left side of the screen? Well, you better watch it, because if you put it the wrong spot we will warp up a giant fucking menu across your screen. Its like having your computer on a desk in a 45-degree angle down to the right, and every time your hand slides too far down, an 835-pound man will slap his cock in your face. Because of gravity, it is from time to time unavoidable. And every bit as un-fucking-necessary. So please Microsoft – don't become the pre-modern Citroen of the computer world – so many ideas, and so few of them correctly done. Stick to the tried-and-true formula, and improve on that. It might not be as fun, but it works. Like pizza. Aurelius, Kristines1990, TEW og 4 andre 7 Siter Lenke til kommentar Del på andre sider Flere delingsvalg…
Aurelius Skrevet 9. november 2014 Del Skrevet 9. november 2014 Like pizza. Dette er kanskje noe av det beste jeg noensinne har lest. Tar av meg hatt, jakke,bukse, sko og sokker. Epic! Arctic 1 Siter Lenke til kommentar Del på andre sider Flere delingsvalg…
Gjest =xXx= Skrevet 9. november 2014 Del Skrevet 9. november 2014 Norge gjør det jævlig bra i VM, og CYC bøyer som en jævel<3 CYC er rå, 24 år gammel! Siter Lenke til kommentar Del på andre sider Flere delingsvalg…
Gjest =xXx= Skrevet 9. november 2014 Del Skrevet 9. november 2014 Jeg ble så forbannet over Windows 8.1 at jeg skrev en liten rage-mail til Microsoft. Jeg følte meg glad når jeg hadde skrevet det ferdig, og det er vel en god ting? Har ikke sendt det enda, though. (det er skrevet klokken 06.00, så vennligst ignorer skrivefeil her!) ------------------------------ Please note the following before reading further: The following letter is not written in my normal, polite and formal way of adressing companies such as yours, but with much more hyperboly for no less than three reasons; You might get the point.The text itself migh hopefully make you laugh somewhat, because that is what I am doing writing this andThis is about as close I can get somewhat of a revenge over the internet without breaking any fucking laws. So, Dear Microsoft I have been a steady user of your product Windows since the trusty 3.1-release. While using it having admittedly caused me rage-fits worthy of Kratos the Greek god, it was a product that worked by everyone else using it. Knowledge of how to use it applied on nearly every normal computer you would park your ass in front of, so learning it was a great investment, and if you did not wander into the galaxy of writing your own code, it was on the rather easy side. And the simplicity was its saving grace over Linux in my opinion, since the whole concept of Windows\Linux can be summed up like this; in order to spend time with your best friend, you also have to spend time with the following person: his slightly retarded, but fun and loveable little brother, or his anarcistic hipster-girlfriend who required you to speak a made-up language in order to tell her basic shit. Forest Gump beats Cruella deSkynet. Now, the entire range of Windows-products have been to a varying but acceptable degree likeable, scratching the Vista-incditent (not doing that would be like any self-respecting member of the bird-species actually mentioning the Dodo during an explenation – completely fucking retarded) up intall your last try, the number 8. And the reason for my part is singular; someone, over at your offices that work with design, with way more power than he and\or she deserves (and I hope you took a big swing of the axe across his stripes on his shoulder for this one), desided that to remove the one thing that made the whole thing make sense, the start button, was a big-ass leap forward. Incidently, trying to solve the problem mentioned later in this letter, I came across an article explaining that you scoffs at this idea, and that it only «takes time getting used to». Allow me to first explain to you why you are, like topping your wedding cake with shaving-cream, wrong on so many fucking levels. It's like losing your leg, and instead of a crutch, you have to learn to walk using a six-foot rod of frozen feces. It does not takes time getting adjusted to, because it feels downright disgusting from the get-go. And the new alternative, which is in essence digital Ebola since it makes all my organs bleed, is called «Tileworld». Seriously, had you named it anything more juvenile, you would make it sound like the title of an underground web-forum for pedophiles. It's horrible. And while the title does makes sense, since all you get is a screen full of fucking tiles, that is where the logic stops. Is this supposed to replace the start-menu, that was so brilliantly simple? The metaphorical if you want to do it fast - shot in the head-method? Now, because of the fact that your product Windows 8 is now standard on every god damn new computer, switching out the good ol' number 7 (that was brilliant, by the way – respect where its due), a lot of people who, unlike me, know how to write code, wrote shells that gave me back the button that Windows 8 needed more than a heroinist need an intervention and a bath. And that sort of leveled out things – there was plenty more shit I would like to shave off, but the start button calmed me enough to let things slide. But there was one thing that kept annoying me; the «update to Windows 8.1 for free»-offer. Why? Because if you have driven BMW's for your entire life, and your brand new one features droplet-shaped wheels, because some German thinks it will make the ride better, you do NOT want to experience their version of «an improvement of that». So this offer was, like an offer to gobble down a pint of Cyanide, turned down every time because I felt it generally served my health better to do so. You thought that the sting was over now? Well, to quote a sadistic urologist: find a ruler or a stick outside and bite into it, because this will make your eyes water. Until one night some days back, where I returned to my computer after a trip out only to be greeted by a semi-transparent black screen with something like the following text: Hello! You have turned down our offer so many times now, that we just downloaded Windows 8.1 for you. Hope you don't mind! Would you like us to rape your OS now, in a couple of hours or a couple of days? Your choice. Bye! Do you actually want to hear what that message feels like? It feels like your husband\wife\partner waking you up one morning, telling: «Honey? You know that to have turned down my every request to shove an arm-sized peppergrinder up your rectum? Well, when you slept last night, I glued your genitalia shut. So, you want your hole bleeding now, or in a couple of days?» No brain that recieves sensory output the correct way would agree to this, so, in looking for a faint glimmer of hope that somebody controlling this show of yours would actually activate his grey cells in such a magnitude he realized that we screwed the pooch on this one, I put it off. And, a couple of nights after, I got the message that could only been more dramaticly recited by a completely black screen, with the word «grinder time» voice-acted by Dennis Haybert (the giant man that played Manute in the Sin City-movies) written in normal font and size mid-screen. So I sat there, pissed off more than Tom Cruise at an Psychology Today-christmas party, and waited for the entire system to grind itself into whatever new shape you wanted to it to look like, and I made a vow; if a lose a single byte of porn because of this, someone is going to die. And there my trusty little button with the many options was gone. And back was the concept of Tileworld. There is no better way to say this: how unbelievably fucking dumb. Oh my maker, the magnitude of inter-cranial decay. What sort of human being decides that yes, the ONE thing that everyone got so pissed off about and had to change themselves? Let's restore it to the way it was. Not the good way, the bad way. And I am truly sorry, but the offer you gave instead – the grey, Shaft-length box of options you gave when you right-clicked on the symbol in the corner was like offering a victim being stabbed nine times a fucking Band Aid. In case I have not made my point loud and clear, allow me to type it into fine print; You know why Pizza works? It works, because it's simple, the ingridients are somewhat the same around the world and no matter the version of it, when you order a pizza, you get a pizza. You know what would make Pizza NOT work? If the monopoly manufacturer of pizza decided that yes, a deep-fried turd is something that belongs on EVERY pizza. It's as common sense as telling your girlfriend that yes, indeed, those pants makes her ass fat is a bad fucking move. So why exactly am I sitting here, again, with a button in the corner, again, that leads to a concept so shadely named it deserves to be on How to catch a Predator, again, that works as good as a toad after an eight-ball of crack, still. And do NOT let me start on the whole oh, so you want to use the cursor on the left side of the screen? Well, you better watch it, because if you put it the wrong spot we will warp up a giant fucking menu across your screen. Its like having your computer on a desk in a 45-degree angle down to the right, and every time your hand slides too far down, an 835-pound man will slap his cock in your face. Because of gravity, it is from time to time unavoidable. And every bit as un-fucking-necessary. So please Microsoft – don't become the pre-modern Citroen of the computer world – so many ideas, and so few of them correctly done. Stick to the tried-and-true formula, and improve on that. It might not be as fun, but it works. Like pizza. Kjør på, få den ut på flere medier også. Siter Lenke til kommentar Del på andre sider Flere delingsvalg…
Gjest =xXx= Skrevet 9. november 2014 Del Skrevet 9. november 2014 Lørdags formiddag startet bra med email om intervju i Oslo, så da blir det Oslotur på meg fra mandag til fredag Tips fra en som driver mye med intervju. Få en nær venn til å fortelle deg om dine 3 sterke og svake sider. Prøve sett det inn i din jobbhverdag, sånn at du kan komme med eksempel. Dette er de klassiske spørsmålene alle får, men du verden så få som er forberedt på dem. Fokuser på hva du er god på og ha en klar tanke i hodet på hva DU kan tilføre bedriften og hvorfor de skal velge deg. Dersom du oppgir referanser, ha en klar tanke på hva du tror de vil si om deg. Si ja takk til drikke, du blir fort tørr i munnen. Se alltid inn i øynene på den som stiller spørmålene når du svarer, men husk også å la blikket vandre på de andre som er med i intervjuet slik at de blir inkludert. Husk: et godt og solid håndtrykk før og etter intervjuet underbygger inntrykket du gir i intervjuet. Svar på det du blir spurt om, ikke bable i vei og ut på sidelinja. Mange gjør det når de er nervøse eller har noe å skjule. Lykke til! Siter Lenke til kommentar Del på andre sider Flere delingsvalg…
Gjest =xXx= Skrevet 9. november 2014 Del Skrevet 9. november 2014 elller- så kan du bare overføre 12 dager ferie til neste år? mener at det står noe om dette i en eller anna lov (med mindre arbeidsplassen din har egne regler) Det er helt korrekt. I det offentlige får du ikke overført mer og de ønsker ikke utbetale resten. Dermed må leder og ansatt sammen finne løsning på å avvikle det meste av ferien før jul. Siter Lenke til kommentar Del på andre sider Flere delingsvalg…
Ulrik Skrevet 9. november 2014 Del Skrevet 9. november 2014 God tid, badekar, morgenkåpe, kaffe og entrecot. Pons, Sephania, Aurelius og 6 andre 9 Siter Lenke til kommentar Del på andre sider Flere delingsvalg…
Gjest Skrevet 9. november 2014 Del Skrevet 9. november 2014 Har bestilt meg kamera Dagens, eller morgendagens, negative KAN bli å sjekke kontoen og få sjokk. Men den tid, den sorg. Siter Lenke til kommentar Del på andre sider Flere delingsvalg…
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