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Smal Midje


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Hvorfor har noen smalere midje enn andre? Og går det ann å trene seg til en smal midje? Nå tenker jeg ikke på fettet som eventuellt lager en ikke-så-smal midje ;)

Men har lagt merke til at det er ganske stor forskjell på magene til fitness og bodybuildere! Når de har liten fettprosent og alt.


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Fortsetter under...

Jeg forstår jo at folk har forskjellig kropp, men håpte kanskje at trening kan ha noe å si for hvordan en former kroppen.. Ser jo ganske stor forskjell på midjen til bodybuilderene fra tidligere (arnold og co.) i forhold til "kjukkasene" i dag..

Mener du at i dag er det flere som har "store hoder" enn før da?...

kommer foressen sikert aldri til å spør om noe her inne igjen, siden jeg tydeligvis er verdens dummeste person som spør om noe slikt ;)

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Jeg forstår jo at folk har forskjellig kropp, men håpte kanskje at trening kan ha noe å si for hvordan en former kroppen.. Ser jo ganske stor forskjell på midjen til bodybuilderene fra tidligere (arnold og co.) i forhold til "kjukkasene" i dag..

Mener du at i dag er det flere som har "store hoder" enn før da?...

kommer foressen sikert aldri til å spør om noe her inne igjen, siden jeg tydeligvis er verdens dummeste person som spør om noe slikt ;)

Tviler på at Fjonana mente det frekt. Angående smal midje osv, vil brede skuldre og brede hofter skape en illusjon av smal midje, og gi X formen de aller fleste vil oppnå. :)

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Ser jo ganske stor forskjell på midjen til bodybuilderene fra tidligere (arnold og co.) i forhold til "kjukkasene" i dag..

Det har vell mye med veksthormon og insulin bruk og gjøre, og mat inntak kan jo ha en stor del i det...

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Nei, mener ikke sideflesk :)

Er bare så sykt forskjellige mager. Ser ut til at noen har six pack, andre ikke. Har det virkelig bare med at de som ikke har, ikke har trent de store nok? (nå snakker jeg selvsagt igjen om de som har så liten fettprosent at det faktisk viser)

Dette er også genetisk(antall ruter, form, tykkelse etc) - men selvsagt, har man lav fett% men ikke nok muskelmasse så vil "sixpacken" være en skinnypack

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Jeg forstår jo at folk har forskjellig kropp, men håpte kanskje at trening kan ha noe å si for hvordan en former kroppen.. Ser jo ganske stor forskjell på midjen til bodybuilderene fra tidligere (arnold og co.) i forhold til "kjukkasene" i dag..

Det du observerer (på byggerne i hvertfall), er en av bivirkningene av veksthormon, nemlig at de indre organene dine vokser og du får en flott utstående mage.

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Hadde ei japansk kollega tidligere som hadde gått på "modellskole" i Japan når hun var yngre, de hadde stått stille med underkroppen og svingt overkroppen side til side med armene ut for å få smal midje:D Men aaaaaaner ikke om det funker:mellow:

Jeg har spilt tennis i over 7 år. Jeg er ganske sikker på at det ikke virker :p

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Du har også tidligere trening. Jeg vil aldri få en smal midje blant annet på grunn av høyden og benbygning. I tillegg her vi vel sånn ca like mye innvoller, så det er vel lettere å spre dem i et stort legeme. Om du har trent mye obliques, slik jeg har gjort gjennom judo og andre kampsporter, vil du neppe noen sinne bli like smal som enkelte andre. Trikset da er å trene bred rygg, for da ser midjen smalere ut :)

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Gjest Jester

Mulig denne kan hjelpe litt: http://www.t-nation.com/free_online_article/sports_body_training_performance/sexy_female_training

Her er et utdrag:

The Britney Spears Syndrome

Think back to when you first saw Britney Spears. If you're like me, it was when she tied that Catholic schoolgirl shirt in a come-hither fashion and started shakin' her moneymaker to Baby One More Time. She was hot, young, and on her way to dominating the pop charts and dominating the fantasies of middle-aged guys around the globe.

Yep, she was perky up top, hard and protruding from behind, and rock hard in the middle. Let me translate that: she had firm boobies, a firm booty, and a slimly sculpted belly.


If you don't mind staring at the above pictures for a few seconds, I'd like you to pay close attention to her midsection. You'll notice that she had a very tiny waist.

Now the next part of this article can't be verified with complete accuracy, but it bears discussion. It can't be verified because it's about her training regimen, and I wasn't her trainer. Moreover, whoever trained her doesn't really matter either. Why? Because not all celebrities follow their trainer's advice with precision. If they did, there would be many more sexy, ripped female figures walking around Hollywood. So my point is this: her trainer probably has nothing to do with the next part of my discussion.

It's been reported that Britney got heavily involved in training when she started approaching the level of über celebrity. That's good. What I've heard around the campfire is that Britney is driven and committed to whatever she puts her mind to. Much like her music career, she put a lot of effort into keeping her body in tip-top shape. (Keep in mind I'm not referring to the Britney of today).

Anyway, I started noticing around 2003 that her physique was really changing. It was evident that she was indeed training, and doing a lot of it. But I could see a transformation taking place that I've seen so many times in the past with females. This metamorphosis that I'm referring to was happening directly in her midsection.

Sometime around late 2003 I saw an interview with her sister and, to paraphrase, she said that Britney did something like 1000 crunches every day. Now, as I said, I don't know if that's true but I can tell you that it sure looked like it. It appeared that Britney spent a lot of time doing crunches, side bends and the like.

What's the big deal, you say? The big deal is this: a ton of direct ab work is bad, bad news for a female who's trying to keep a slim midsection. Here's a picture that demonstrates my point


There are two things that should be noted about the above picture. First, she's not any fatter than she was in the first pictures. In fact, her abs show more definition. Second, and most importantly, she lost virtually all of the hourglass shape that her younger figure exhibited. She's still carrying very little body fat in this picture, but her waist is much larger than it was early in her career. And I'd be willing to bet a years salary that she wasn't trying to make her midsection any thicker and wider than it was in the first pictures. But she sure did make it bigger.

When I consult females who've been training and want me to take them to the next level, I've seen overdeveloped abs and obliques so many times that I've lost count. In fact, I've seen the disorder so many times that I had to give it a name. I call the female disorder that's caused by excessive core training The Britney Spears Syndrome.

Females typically perform too much direct ab and oblique work! They've fallen victim to the old theory of spot reduction — the idea that working a body part more will result in less fat around that area. My position is that spot reduction probably doesn't happen, and even if it does happen, it doesn't matter in the case of Britney. Why? Because any possible loss of body fat around her midsection from doing a zillion crunches and side bends every day will be overshadowed by the increased girth of her core muscles from training with such a high volume and frequency.

In fact, that's exactly what my High Frequency Training (HFT) philosophy is based on: the more you train a muscle, the bigger it will get. The paradox is that she used a type of HFT plan to make her core muscles smaller, while I preach that HFT is the ultimate way to make your muscles bigger.

But this issue doesn't end with the above thicker-waist-picture. One of the biggest challenges that a trainer like me faces is when a client inevitably falls off the wagon of fitness and nutrition. A good trainer will keep a celebrity client leaner than she needs to be in order to establish a "buffer zone." If a female client of mine thinks she looks best with 16% body fat, I'll keep her at 15%. That's because with even the most diligent clients, their training and nutrition will waver during vacations, holidays, break-ups, etc.

Now back to Britney. If you're one who thinks she doesn't look too bad with the thicker-waist-but-still-lean-physique, then you should think about the buffer zone. Sure, she might not look all that bad with a thicker waist when she's still lean, but guess what happens when she puts on a little extra fat? You get this:


Now we've got a problem. All of that extra muscle that she added to her midsection from endless crunches and side bends is now covered with a little extra body fat. What do you get? You get a midsection that's anything but alluring. Had she refrained from a plethora of ab and oblique work, she wouldn't be sporting that barrel midsection in the "gladiator" picture.

If you still like the idea of doing endless crunches and side bends to keep your waist svelte and sexy, then I encourage you to look at this comparison.


And this, my bra-wearing buddies, is the first thing that I'm here to eradicate. I've got a healthy dose of medicine to cure The Britney Spears Syndrome.

You might be wondering why I spent so much time talking about direct ab work. After all, the answer seems rather simple: just perform less ab work and you won't bulk up your midsection, right? That's true, but the purpose of mentioning Britney Spears and her thick midsection is to further demonstrate that women can build too much muscle, and screw up their proportions, if they're not careful.

This isn't just limited to the midsection. I've also seen it happen in women's thighs, calves, traps, and virtually any other body part.

So I'm also going to show you how to organize your training and eating plans in order to develop the slim, sexy, firm physique that maintains the feminine, athletic look. What separates the following information from everything else you've read is my training experience with this issue, and my understanding of physiology.

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Jeg forstår jo at folk har forskjellig kropp, men håpte kanskje at trening kan ha noe å si for hvordan en former kroppen.. Ser jo ganske stor forskjell på midjen til bodybuilderene fra tidligere (arnold og co.) i forhold til "kjukkasene" i dag..

Mener du at i dag er det flere som har "store hoder" enn før da?...

kommer foressen sikert aldri til å spør om noe her inne igjen, siden jeg tydeligvis er verdens dummeste person som spør om noe slikt ;)

Ikke vær redd for å stille "dumme" spørsmål! Jeg tror det er mange her som sitter inne med en del "dumme" spørsmpl, men som ikke tør fordi de er redde for å bli oppfattet som teite. Jeg skal faktisk innrømme at jeg har lurt på mye av dette selv. For meg er mage den kroppsdelen jeg er mest fokuser på, og den jeg har aller mest lyst til å få til å se bra ut.

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