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Er dette nok mat for muskelvekst?


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Hei. Er dette nok mat for muskelvekst?

M1: 4 egg,80g ris, 80g kjøtt/fisk,100g grønnsaker, 20 ml olivenolje

M2: 160 kjøtt/fisk, 80gris,2ss olivenolje,100 g grønnsaker

M3: 240 kjøtt/fisk, 160g ris. 100g grønnsaker, 1olivenolje

Etter trening: 60g proteinpulver,60g carbofuel

Trener etter phat, 5 ganger i uken. kjører ikke noe cardio. Veier 75kg. Har spist sånn i ca 1 mnd. har gått opp 1,5kg, men føler at vekta har stoppet litt. Men jeg har mye energi på trening og øker i styrke. Hva burde jeg øke på matinntaken vis vekta står litt stille? karbohydrater,protein eller fett?

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Fortsetter under...

Trådstarter får jo også i seg fett via egg og fisk, så dette ser ut som et bra utgangspunkt det! :) Alder, høyde og kjønn? Du må ikke nødvendigvis øke inntaket så mye riktig enda, om dette er et opplegg du har fulgt relativt kort tid og du fremdeles har god framgang på trening.

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  • 3 uker senere...
tror jeg skal bruke din kostholdsplan jeg er vel 60-65 kg 20 år og 187 høy.. syntes det er vanskelig og regne ut kcl pga jeg ikke klarer sette meg inn i dette.. er det noe mer som kan puttes inn som er veldig nødvendig ?.. og har du link til trenings programmet du bruker?

Første råd må rett og slett være å spise mer, på 60kg@~190høy høres du _temmelig_ mager ut. Det finnes plenty av programmer for alle og enhver her på bloggen, sjekk treningsprogram-delen av forumet?

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Første råd må rett og slett være å spise mer, på 60kg@~190høy høres du _temmelig_ mager ut. Det finnes plenty av programmer for alle og enhver her på bloggen, sjekk treningsprogram-delen av forumet?

ja er veldig mager og det er noe jeg sliter veldig med så er på tide med en transformation så jeg kan føle meg bra med meg selv.. vanskelig dette med kosthold desverre:(

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Hva spiste du i går?

alt for lite:P.. igår var bøtten fremme og mat inntaket der etter:P.. i dag startet jeg frokosten for 1 time siden med 3 grovbrød skiver 4 egg 1 banan ett glass appelsin juice.. i dag skal jeg til innkjøpt av kylling og svine kjøtt og steke opp måltider for 2 og 2 dager og ha i kjøleskapet så alle måltider er klar med ris og kjøtt/kylling.. problemet er hvor mange måltider og hvor store måltider ..:p

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Her er en liten historie fra Dave Tate :D

"Here's a quick story.

There was a time at the Old Westside gym where I couldn't gain weight to save my fucking life.

There was this dude who trained there who could just put on weight like fucking magic. He'd go from 198 to 308 and then to 275 and back down to 198. And he was never fat. It was amazing.

I finally asked him one day how he did it.

"You mean I never told you the secret to gaining weight? Come outside and I'll fill you in."

Now remember, we're at Westside Barbell. And this guy wants to go outside to talk so no one else can hear. Think about that for a minute. What the hell is he going to tell me? This must be some serious shit if we have to go outside, I thought.

So we get outside and he starts talking.

"For breakfast you need to eat four of those breakfast sandwiches from McDonalds. I don't care which ones you get, but make sure to get four. Order four hash browns, too. Now grab two packs of mayonnaise and put them on the hash browns and then slip them into the sandwiches. Squish that shit down and eat. That's your breakfast."

At this point I'm thinking this guy is nuts. But he's completely serious.

"For lunch you're gonna eat Chinese food. Now I don't want you eating that crappy stuff. You wanna get the stuff with MSG. None of that non-MSG bullshit. I don't care what you eat but you have to sit down and eat for at least 45 minutes straight. You can't let go of the fork. Eat until your eyes swell up and become slits and you start to look like the woman behind the counter."

"For dinner you're gonna order an extra-large pizza with everything on it. Literally everything. If you don't like sardines, don't put 'em on, but anything else that you like you have to load it on there. After you pay the delivery guy, I want you to take the pie to your coffee table, open that fucker up, and grab a bottle of oil. It can be olive oil, canola oil, whatever. Anything but motor oil. And I want you to pour that shit over the pie until half of the bottle is gone. Just soak the shit out of it."

"Now before you lay into it, I want you to sit on your couch and just stare at that fucker. I want you to understand that that pizza right there is keeping you from your goals."

This guy is in a zen-like state when he's talking about this.

"Now you're on the clock," he continues. "After 20 minutes your brain is going to tell you you're full. Don't listen to that shit. You have to try and eat as much of the pizza as you can before that 20-minute mark. Double up pieces if you have to. I'm telling you now, you're going to get three or four pieces in and you're gonna want to quit. You fucking can't quit. You have to sit on that couch until every piece is done.

And if you can't finish it, don't you ever come back to me and tell me you can't gain weight. 'Cause I'm gonna tell you that you don't give a fuck about getting bigger and you don't care how much you lift!"

Did I do it? Hell yeah. Started the next day and did it for two months. Went from 260 pounds to 297 pounds. And I didn't get much fatter. One of the hardest things I've ever done in my life, though."

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  • 3 uker senere...
Her er en liten historie fra Dave Tate :D

"Here's a quick story.

There was a time at the Old Westside gym where I couldn't gain weight to save my fucking life.

There was this dude who trained there who could just put on weight like fucking magic. He'd go from 198 to 308 and then to 275 and back down to 198. And he was never fat. It was amazing.

I finally asked him one day how he did it.

"You mean I never told you the secret to gaining weight? Come outside and I'll fill you in."

Now remember, we're at Westside Barbell. And this guy wants to go outside to talk so no one else can hear. Think about that for a minute. What the hell is he going to tell me? This must be some serious shit if we have to go outside, I thought.

So we get outside and he starts talking.

"For breakfast you need to eat four of those breakfast sandwiches from McDonalds. I don't care which ones you get, but make sure to get four. Order four hash browns, too. Now grab two packs of mayonnaise and put them on the hash browns and then slip them into the sandwiches. Squish that shit down and eat. That's your breakfast."

At this point I'm thinking this guy is nuts. But he's completely serious.

"For lunch you're gonna eat Chinese food. Now I don't want you eating that crappy stuff. You wanna get the stuff with MSG. None of that non-MSG bullshit. I don't care what you eat but you have to sit down and eat for at least 45 minutes straight. You can't let go of the fork. Eat until your eyes swell up and become slits and you start to look like the woman behind the counter."

"For dinner you're gonna order an extra-large pizza with everything on it. Literally everything. If you don't like sardines, don't put 'em on, but anything else that you like you have to load it on there. After you pay the delivery guy, I want you to take the pie to your coffee table, open that fucker up, and grab a bottle of oil. It can be olive oil, canola oil, whatever. Anything but motor oil. And I want you to pour that shit over the pie until half of the bottle is gone. Just soak the shit out of it."

"Now before you lay into it, I want you to sit on your couch and just stare at that fucker. I want you to understand that that pizza right there is keeping you from your goals."

This guy is in a zen-like state when he's talking about this.

"Now you're on the clock," he continues. "After 20 minutes your brain is going to tell you you're full. Don't listen to that shit. You have to try and eat as much of the pizza as you can before that 20-minute mark. Double up pieces if you have to. I'm telling you now, you're going to get three or four pieces in and you're gonna want to quit. You fucking can't quit. You have to sit on that couch until every piece is done.

And if you can't finish it, don't you ever come back to me and tell me you can't gain weight. 'Cause I'm gonna tell you that you don't give a fuck about getting bigger and you don't care how much you lift!"

Did I do it? Hell yeah. Started the next day and did it for two months. Went from 260 pounds to 297 pounds. And I didn't get much fatter. One of the hardest things I've ever done in my life, though."

Beste historien jeg har hørt ever!!

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