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Jeg tror ikke man når like langt med sprettmark. Det blir som kvartbøy. (men det kommer jo veldig an på her om vi snakker bare touch`n go eller type bumperplates sprett fra lockout). Men uansett vil man treffe et punkt der man sliter med førsteløftet fordi man trener så lite fra "død" posisjon at vinninga går opp i spinninga mener jeg :)

Jeg forsto ingenting av svar alternativene opp imot spørsmålet i voten, mulig jeg bare er trøtt men men :)

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Sprettmark blir litt som sprettbenkpress eller cheatcurls osv. Skaderisikoen øker jo selvsagt, fordi det er vanskeligere å ha god teknikk. Sjansen for at du løfter med fleksjon i ryggen øker, og dette vil påføre ryggen en dramatisk økning i skjæringskreftene. Jeg hadde ikke turt å løfte markløft med den typiske "sprett-teknikken" hvor hofta er i tilfeldig høyde, og man stort sett drar med ryggen fra start til slutt.

My 2c

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Jeg tenker at sprettmark er helt ok (sett bort fra skaderisiko) dersom man ønsker å bli sterkere i toppen av løftet. Det blir på en måte markløft med reversed band. Man kan ha på mere vekter som gjør det mer utfordrende på toppen av løftet og lettere i bunn.

Personlig vil jeg aldri sprette vektene i gulvet, bruker da heller strikk hvis jeg skal ha lettere vekter i visse deler av løftet.

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Ja det er fra t-nation men det er Ripptoe som skrev artikkelen å den ble publisert i dag så skal være ferskvare ;)

Less Bounce to the Ounce

"Of course, you have to keep your back flat, and that takes strength in the lumbar erectors that can only be built with heavy deadlifts done correctly. It has become fashionable in random exercise/"functional movement" gyms to permit the use of bumper plates and a bounce off the floor for all the reps of a set of deadlifts after the first one.

This isn't "functional" – no sane, responsible person picks up a heavy object by bouncing it off the floor because that might break something. An informed person knows that if you don't use a muscle, you won't train that muscle. Common sense dictates this fact, and no particular intelligence is required to arrive at this conclusion.

Simple observation tells us that people who bounce their deadlifts aren't very strong off the floor. Experience informs me that if a 185-pound man with three years of barbell "training" comes to my seminar lacking the ability to deadlift 300 pounds with a flat back, he's probably been bouncing his deadlifts.

The lumbar erectors are the muscles that hold the lumbar spine in extension. If you fail to use them for that purpose during a deadlift, they won't adapt to this isometric task, and you'll have turned the most basic back exercise in the gym into a ridiculous circus trick.

Let's be honest: you bounce your deadlifts because it's easier to do more reps that way. But you know this already, because you were never that ignorant.

Reset all your reps and make your low back get strong enough to hold itself flat during a maximum deadlift attempt. Even if more reps are the goal, a stronger back is the only way to achieve it.

There may be a slight tendency for the bar to drift forward as it comes off the floor. When this happens, it's usually because you've rocked forward during the setup so that your weight is forward of the mid-foot. Shoes with heels can do this, as can a misperception of your start position.

If this happens, you're probably too far forward, with your shoulders too far in front of the bar and your back too horizontal. To correct this, rock back off of your toes, reset your chest up, and think about actually pushing your mid-foot into the floor, instead of pulling on the bar."

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