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Forventet styrkeøkning etter flere års trening


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Hei! Etter å ha løftet tungt og lenge (4-5 år, 4-6 ganger i uka) opplever jeg stadig oftere stagnasjon i øvelser. Dette er vel naturlig, og jeg er for så vidt ikke sååå opptatt av det, jeg har nå den kroppen jeg vil ha sånn utseendemessig iallefall. Dessuten begynner jeg å bli en "litt" gammel dame på snart 40, og spiser stort sett på vedlikehold og ikke i overskudd, så det er vel begrenset hvor mye jeg kan øke. Men likevel: Kan jeg forvente noe videre økninger på vedlikehold bare ved periodisering og programskifter? Eller må jeg legge meg i overskudd for å bygge mer masse? Jeg skjønner at det er vanskelig å gi et entydig svar på dette altså, gjerne kom med egne erfaringer. Jeg har forøvrig aldri spist i overskudd og har greit med muskler, men det har tatt tid;)

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Fortsetter under...

Kommer litt an på hvor sterk du er, ikke alle kan bli like sterke, men man kan alltids bli litt sterkere såfremt man ikke har nådd sitt potensiale ;)

Det er mulig å øke i styrke så lenge kroppen får nok byggestoffer, men det vil være en fordel å ligge litt i overskudd. Denne artikkelen gir en oversikt over hvor man bør ligge styrkemessig etter et visst antall år med styrketrening:

Fuckarounditis | Intermittent fasting diet for fat loss, muscle gain and health

Progress and Goals

For someone interested in aesthetics, which I assume most my readers are, relative strength is the single best measure of progress and the quality of your physique. Before seeing a picture of a client, I can easily get a very good idea of his or hers body composition by simply knowing three stats: weight, height and strength. Relative strength is therefore the parameter that will be used to determine reasonable rates of progress, which will then tell you whether you might be suffering of fuckarounditis or not.

Within two years of consistent training on a decent routine, the average male should be able to progress to the following levels of strength (1RM):

Strength Goals: Intermediate

Bench press: body weight x 1.2

Chin-ups or pull-ups: body weight x 1.2 or 8 reps with body weight.

Squat: body weight x 1.6

Deadlift: body weight x 2

These numbers are for a raw (no straps, belt or knee wraps) single repetition.

The progress towards the intermediate strength goals should be fairly linear, meaning that there should be no plateaus that cannot be solved in an uncomplicated manner. By "consistent" training I do not mean never missing a training day, nor do I consider taking 2-3 months off from training consistent.

By "decent training routine", I mean "not doing blatantly stupid shit" (training 5-6 days/week, 20-25 sets for chest and arms, etc.). I do not mean optimal and flawless.

Strength Goals: Advanced

Under the exact same conditions as the previous example, 3 out of 4 of the following goals should be reached within five years, along with all of the strength goals listed under "intermediate":

Bench press: body weight x 1.5

Chin-ups or pull-ups: body weight x 1.5 or 15 reps with body weight.

Squat: body weight x 2

Deadlift: body weight x 2.5

Strength Goals: Highly Advanced

Under the exact same conditions, all of the following goals should be reached within ten years. Alternatively, 3 out of 4 should be reached, and one should be "Elite":

Bench press: body weight x 1.5, or x 1.8 (elite)

Chin-ups or pull-ups: body weight x 1.5 or 15 reps with body weight, or x 1.8 / 20 reps (elite)

Squat: body weight x 2, or x 2.4 (elite)

Deadlift: body weight x 2.5, or x 3 (elite)

"Elite" denotes one lift that is often ahead of the others. For example, people who are natural pullers (long arms) may very well hit a 3 x body weight deadlift before a 1.5 x body weight bench, and vice versa for the presser (short arms, stocky and barrel-chested) benching 1.8 x body weight but not being able to pull 2.5 x body weight in the deadlift.

The highly advanced strength goals falls in line with what could be considered the pinnacle of physique and strength development for most average and natural trainers. At this point, progress is very slow.

A 185-lb male that has been training consistently for 5-10 years should therefore be expected to:

Bench press 275-280 lbs.

Do a chin-up with 90-95 lbs hanging from his waist.

Squat 370 lbs.

Deadlift 460-465 lbs.

Respective goals for women:

For women in the 115-155-lb range, the corresponding advanced strength goals are 0.9 x body weight bench, 1.1 x body weight chin-up, 1.5 x body weight squat and 1.8 x body weight deadlift. Relative to men, women have much less muscle mass around the chest area and shoulder girdle (men have much higher androgen-receptor density in this particular area), but the lower body is comparativly strong to the upper body.

A 135-lb woman that has been training consistently for 5-10 years should then be expected to:

Bench press 120-125 lbs.

Do 4-5 chin-ups with body weight or do one with an extra 10-15 lbs hanging from her waist.

Squat 200-205 lbs.

Deadlift 225-230 lbs.

So where do you fall in regards to these goals? If you've met them, you've received a reasonable return on the time you've invested in your training and it's safe to say that you do not suffer from fuckarounditis - even if you have some of the symptoms, remember that it's not fucking around if what you're doing is working for you.

If you have not met them, then something is amiss. And if you can't do 8 good chin-ups or struggle with being able to bench press your body weight after a decade of working out....something is horribly amiss.

This is no laughing matter. I've had clients that spent 10-15 years working out with little or nothing to show for it and some made very basic mistakes that could have been fixed at an early stage. But as fuckarounditis took root, they seemed to only have succumbed deeper, eventually losing that last shred of training sense.

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